

Is to ensure that every Scout in Shropshire has a chance to take part in underground exploration... be able to follow that initial experience with ongoing & progressive training...

...such that on finishing Explorers they should able to take part in caving activities, with their chosen University or Adult Caving club...

...and undertake Cave Leadership roles within Scout Caving.

Caving for Scouts?

Caving is a physical activity, full of adventure and requires a real explorer’s spirit.

Caving provides adventure in an environment which few get the opportunity to visit. It provides training in team work, care for the fragile underground environment and healthy physical exercise. Many young people introduced to caving as Scouts go on to develop a lifelong active pastime which can lead them all over the world. It is an experience of nature unlike any other - not just close to nature but within nature itself.

The experience is incredibly rewarding where fairy tale scenes, thousands of years in the making, huge rocks and delicate formations are a sight to be seen.

Caving involves walking, bending and crawling. You may be twisting, squeezing and climbing or plunging into pools of water, wading down stream and splashing through waterfalls.

For a young Scout there is a unique delight waiting to be discovered. For the experienced Scout caver there is a world of subterranean passages to explore.


Follow a group of Scouts taking part in a Cavers Badge Course.

The group explore Llanymynech Ogof in Shropshire then visit Porth yr Ogof, Bridge Cave and Ogof Ffynnon Ddu, (OFD2) in South Wales.

A young Scout's thoughts...

‘Clambering on through the passage, we came to a place called 'The Toilet' where a five metre tiny passage, half full with water, looped back. It was a cold crawl and I was the first up. Taking my welly off, I poured its contents back down the hole onto Adam!


Contact the team, or book a place directly from the calendar to join the next adventure underground.

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